#amnesty internationa
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 years ago
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mysterygrl20 · 4 months ago
October 30, 2024 | Japan made historic progress today when the Tokyo High Court ruled it unconstitutional to not support same-sex marriages.
Presently, couples must rely on the limited recognition provided by local governments.
Back in March 2024, the Sapporo High Court became the first high court to rule on the issue.
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nimrochan · 7 months ago
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ICJ decision maker Nawaf Salam ignores and refuses to acknowledge human rights violations, and Bashar Al-Assad is responsible for half a million dead Syrians. The reps from Somalia and China also ignore their countries’ human rights violations including ethnic cleanings and internment camps for Chinese Muslims. These are not people who have any right to make any kind of decision on Israel.
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mastreworld · 30 days ago
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tropicalmark · 3 months ago
Niet in mijn Naam!
Na ruim een jaar, zeker wel ruim 14 maanden, van heftig geweld tegen een kwetsbare groep, van vooral vrouwen en kinderen, in een afgesloten stuk land genaamd GAZA, na een heftige aanval van Hamas op 7 oktober 2023.
De reactie van de Israëlische regering en hun leger is wraakzuchtig en komt erop neer dat deze bevolking eindeloos word gebombardeerd, onthouden van voedsel, water, energie, alles wat het leven mogelijk zou maken.
Bovendien is er voldoende bewijs, niet alleen via de special rapporteur van de UN, Amnesty International en besluitvorming van het Internationaal Gerechtshof, dat Israel de Palestijnen wil verdrijven van Gaza (en trouwens ook van de Westbank en Oost-Jerusalem), uitmoorden en vernietigen.
Israëlische soldaten van het leger delen dit zelf op sociale media en pronken en genieten ervan (hoe dat ook mogelijk kan zijn als je een greintje menselijkheid in je lijf hebt) en zijn dan verbaasd dat velen in de wereld dit veroordelen.
Daarnaast zijn vele journalisten intentioneel vermoord, net als hulpverleners en de belangrijke zorgorganisatie voor Palestijnen, namelijk UNWRA.
Ik lees dat het woord Genocide voor velen lange tijd te ver zou kunnen gaan, en ik begrijp dat mensen bedachtzaam zijn en niet te snel willen oordelen. En hoewel ik die afweging kan begrijpen en zelfs billijken, voor mij is het al in de eerste maanden duidelijk geworden dat de wraakactie van het Israëlische leger en regering (lees: Netanyahu) niet slechts gericht is op Hamas maar op de verdrijving en uitroeing van de Palestijnen en het annexeren van GAZA, de Westbank en Oost-Jerusalem.
Of we dat Genocide willen noemen, wat het volgens vele instituties is, en dat de intentie vooral moet zijn om Genocide te vermijden, de verdrijving en vernietiging van de Palestijnen verdient tegen-macht en verzet, net als de Palestijnen dat zelf al 75 jaar al aan het doen zijn.
Dat de westerse landen, en Nederland in het bijzonder, Israel blijven steunen en militair en politiek blijven bewapenen, tegen de wens van de meerderheid van de bevolking, dat is schrijnend en dramatisch.
Internationaal recht moet worden gewaarborgd en gehandhaafd, en daarom zeg ik nu expliciet tegen de Nederlandse regering, premier Schoof en het Nederlandse parlement, steun voor Israel mag niet in mijn naam gebeuren!
Niet in mijn naam!
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aqurette · 3 months ago
Amnesty International Cherry-Picked Incidents to Fit Its Predetermined Narrative
From an editorial at the Jerusalem Post:Genocide is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable, requiring proof of intent to destroy a people. Amnesty’s report doesn’t even come close. Instead, it relies on numbers provided by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry, which Amnesty Monitor criticized for failing to “distinguish between civilians and combatants.” And:Amnesty cherry-picks incidents to fit its predetermined narrative. Out of thousands of airstrikes conducted in Gaza, the report examines just 15, alleging civilian casualties with no military justification. It disregards Hamas’s deliberate use of civilian infrastructure—homes, schools, and hospitals—as shields for its operations. The IDF, in contrast, issued evacuation warnings and facilitated the transfer of “1.1 million tons of aid into Gaza” while establishing humanitarian corridors. https://aqurette.com/diary/2024/12/06/amnesty-internationa-4
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shirotakaishida · 6 months ago
Hong Kong: Conviction of Stand News journalists another attack on press freedom - Amnesty International
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keynewssuriname · 1 year ago
Gerard Spong: Geen amnestie voor mensenrechtenschendingen
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De Nederlandse strafadvocaat Gerard Spong, die in het verleden de Surinaamse regering adviseerde over de Decembermoorden en de zaak nauwlettend heeft gevolgd en becommentarieerd, heeft in een gesprek met radio ABC aangegeven dat de gewijzigde amnestiewet van 2012 in het leven is geroepen om Desi Bouterse en zijn medestanders straffeloosheid te garanderen. "Een van de redenen om aan te geven dat de amnestiewet meteen krachteloos was, is dat ook in 2012 door het Internationaal Zuid-Amerikaanse mensenrechtenhof werd aanvaard dat bij ernstige mensenrechtenschendingen nooit amnestie kan worden verleend. Deze uitspraak was eerder al gedaan door het Inter-Amerikaans Hof", aldus de rechtsgeleerde. Spong benadrukt dat al in 2012 bij het wijzigen van de amnestiewet bekend was dat dit in strijd is met mensenrechten. "Van meet af aan kon je zeggen dat die wet gedoemd was om een dode letter te zijn", stelt hij zeer scherp. De advocaat merkt verder op dat het ne bis in idem-rechtsbeginsel verkeerd wordt geïnterpreteerd door velen, inclusief het nieuwe team van advocaten van Bouterse en medeveroordeelden. "Voor ne bis is nodig dat er sprake is van een onherroepelijk eindvonnis. Dat betekent een onherroepelijk veroordelend of vrijsprekend vonnis van de strafrechter." De rechtsgeleerde laat verder doorschemeren dat de amnestiewet ook in de prullenbak kan worden gegooid vanwege de beroemde en befaamde rechtsregel 'Lex superior'. De Lex superior is een afkorting van de Latijnse tekst 'Lex superior derogat legi inferiori'. Dit betekent dat de hogere wet voorrang heeft op de lagere wet. "Het Zuid-Amerikaans mensenrechtenverdrag en de rechtspraak van het Internationale Hof moeten worden toegepast." Hij benadrukt dat de amnestiewet vanaf het begin krachteloos is in het proces rond de Decembermoorden. Op dinsdag 23 januari hebben het Hof van Justitie en het advocatenteam van de veroordeelden afspraken gemaakt over de behandeling van het verzoekschrift over het schorsen van de vonnissen. De advocaten Murwin Dubois, Milton Castelen, Martin Misiedjan, Derrick Veira en Nailah van Dijk dienden eerder een verzoekschrift in bij het Hof van Justitie en het Openbaar Ministerie. Zij zijn van mening dat het uitgesproken eindvonnis in strijd is met het recht en de goede procesorde. Het vonnis zou zijn uitgesproken nadat de Amnestiewet van 1989, gewijzigd in 2012, al was toegepast in de strafprocessen die in eerste aanleg aanhangig waren gemaakt tegen de toen nog verdachten in deze strafzaak. Read the full article
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 10 months ago
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Hey look even the times of Israel doesn't deny the use of white phosphorus.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 years ago
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humanrightsupdates · 8 years ago
Angola: Human rights defender and journalist charged
Human rights defender Rafael Marques de Morais and journalist Mariano Brás Lourenço have formally been charged with ‘defamation of a public authority’ and ‘outrage to a sovereign body’ in relation to an article they published on questionable acquisition of public land by the Angolan General Public Prosecutor. Both charges carry a penalty of one year in prison and three years in prison respectively.
Rafael Marques de Morais is a human rights defender, an award winning investigative journalist and the editor of Maka Angola, an online media channel. He wrote and published an article online on the Maka Angola website. The article was on the questionable acquisition of public land by the Angolan General Public Prosecutor. Mariano Brás Lourenço is a journalist and editor of Angolan newspaper “O Crime”. Through the newspaper “O Crime”, he published Rafael Marques de Morais’ article and included some of his own personal commentary on the article.
On 20 June both men were formally charged with ‘defamation of a public authority’ (maximum penalty: one year in prison) and ‘outrage to a sovereign body’ (maximum penalty: three years in prison), the latter is a crime against the security of the state.
Criticism of public institutions of all kinds, including bodies that are part of the legislative, executive and judiciary as well as public officials is a right. The UN Human Rights Committee, which monitors States’ compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, has called on States not to prohibit such criticism. Public officials should display a higher degree of tolerance to criticism than private individuals.
In the case that Rafael Marques de Morais and Mariano Brás Lourenço are imprisoned, Amnesty International will consider them to be prisoners of conscience as the charges against them are politically motivated and relate to the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression. The charges against them are also seen as a government tactic to deter other government critics.
Please write immediately in Portuguese, English or your own language:
Urging Angolan authorities to immediately drop all the charges against Rafael Marques de Morais and Mariano Brás Lourenço, as they have been charged solely for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression;
Calling on the authorities to end the practice of harassment and intimidation of people peacefully expressing their views, and to uphold the right to freedom of expression;
Calling on them to repeal all legislation which unduly limits freedom of expression.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS BEFORE 11 AUGUST 2017 TO: Minister of Justice and Human Rights Rui Jorge Carneiro Mangueira Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Rua 17 de Setembro, No. 32 CP 1986 Luanda, Republic of Angola E-mail: [email protected] Salutation: Your Excellency
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. HIS EXCELLENCY MR MIGUEL GASPAR FERNANDES NETO, Embassy of the Republic of Angola, 22 Dorset Street W1U 6QY, 020 7299 9850, Fax 020 7486 9397 Email [email protected], [email protected] salutation: Your Excellency
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The United Nations Human Rights Committee is a human rights treaty body formed by independent experts that monitor implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which Angola is bound and has a legal obligation to comply with. Its General Comment 34 provides that “State parties should not prohibit criticism of institutions”, which includes public bodies of all kinds, including bodies that are part of the legislative, executive and judiciary. The United Nations Human Rights Committee has also affirmed that the harassment, intimidation or stigmatisation of a person, including their arrest, detention, trial or imprisonment for reasons of the opinions they may hold, constitutes a violation of the ICCPR.
Dissent is frequently dealt with repression, and violence, by the Angolan authorities. Amnesty International documented how the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly have been unlawfully restricted in Angola in its report Punishing Dissent: Suppression of Freedom of Association and Assembly in Angola (Index AFR 12/004/2014). Some of those who have challenged the government of President José Eduardo dos Santos have been subjected to unlawful killings, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture and other ill-treatment. Despite freedom of expression and peaceful assembly being clearly enshrined in the country’s constitution and in several international treaties that Angola has signed and ratified, violations of these rights continue to occur. More information about Rafael Marques de Morais previous persecutions can be found here: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/afr12/1840/2015/en/
UA: 155/17 Index: AFR 12/6619/2017 Issue Date: 30 June 2017
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WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!  Please let us know if you have taken action on this case.  You can either include us - [email protected] - in the email you send to the authorities or send us a separate email if you've sent your appeal by post or fax.  Tell us any way you like!  All we need to know is that you've sent an appeal and the UA number - which is at the top of each email.  Thank you.
We are now on twitter, follow us for information on Urgent Action cases: @AmnestyUKUrgent
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zetto52sd · 2 months ago
They criticized Russia’s invasion in March 2022. The Ukraine report was August 2022. They still, to this day, document war crimes committed by both sides as best they can. Russia has very easily committed more war crimes than Ukraine, but that doesn’t mean Ukrainian soldiers or mercenaries have not committed any sort of war crimes, or that they should have done things a different way to further minimize civilian harm. Frankly, however, such is the way of war. War crimes happen, wrong decisions are made, lives are lost. It’s important to document as much as possible and do your best to hold those responsible accountable, including taking circumstance into account.
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scottbcrowley2 · 8 years ago
US-led coalition not protecting Mosul civilians, Amnesty International says - Tue, 28 Mar 2017 PST
A recent spike in civilian casualties in Mosul suggests the U.S.-led coalition is not taking adequate precautions as it helps Iraqi forces battle the Islamic State group, Amnesty International said ... US-led coalition not protecting Mosul civilians, Amnesty International says - Tue, 28 Mar 2017 PST
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nigerianeye · 5 years ago
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President Buhari has disobeyed the court 40 times - Amnesty International lawyer says https://nigerianeyez.blogspot.com/2019/11/president-buhari-has-disobeyed-court-40.html
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aqurette · 3 months ago
Amnesty International Report Says War in Gaza Amounts to Genocide
No one is surprised. Amnesty International is not known for impartiality when it comes to anything related to Israel. But this time, local Amnesty chapter has had enough. Read it at the Jerusalem Post and the Guardian. https://aqurette.com/diary/2024/12/05/amnesty-internationa-3
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paoloxl · 4 years ago
Il Grande Divario: il COVID-19 rispecchia il razzismo globale, le disuguaglianze
Palestine Chronicle. Di Ramzy Baroud. Il concetto secondo il quale la pandemia del COVID-19 sia “il grande livellatore” dovrebbe ormai essere morto e sepolto. Semmai, questa malattia letale é soltanto un altro monito sulle profonde divisioni e disuguaglianze presenti nelle nostre società. Detto questo, la cura della malattia non dovrebbe essere una ripetizione dello stesso vergognoso scenario.
Per un intero anno, celebrità internazionali e funzionari governativi ci hanno ricordato che “in tutto questo, siamo insieme”, “ci troviamo sulla stessa barca”, con artisti del calibro della cantante statunitense Madonna che, parlando dalla sua villa, immersa in un “bagno di latte cosparso di petali di rosa”, ci raccontava che la pandemia si è rivelata un grande livellatore.
“Come dicevo ogni sera alla fine di ‘Human Nature’, siamo tutti sulla stessa barca. E se la nave affonda, affonderemo tutti insieme”, riportava la CNN all’epoca.
Tali dichiarazioni, come quelle di Madonna, ed anche di Ellen DeGeneres, hanno attirato l’attenzione dei media, non solo perché sono entrambi personaggi famosi con un enorme seguito sui social media, ma anche a causa dell’evidente ipocrisia della loro vuota retorica. In verità, però, queste stavano solo ripetendo le procedure standardizzate seguite anche dai governi, dalle celebrità e dai ricchissimi influencer di tutto il mondo.
Ma realmente “in tutto questo, siamo insieme”? Con tassi di disoccupazione saliti alle stelle in tutto il mondo, centinaia di milioni di persone che si arrabattano per sfamare i propri figli, moltitudini di famiglie anonime e sfortunate che arrancano senza poter accedere ad un’adeguata assistenza sanitaria, nutrendosi di speranze e di preghiere per riuscire a sopravvivere alle piaghe della povertà, figuriamoci la pandemia – non si può, con la coscienza pulita, fare affermazioni così oltraggiose.
Non soltanto non ci troviamo “sulla stessa barca”, ma, certamente, non ci siamo mai stati. Secondo i dati della Banca Mondiale, circa la metà della popolazione mondiale vive con meno di 5,5 dollari al giorno. Questa triste statistica fa parte di un impressionante percorso di disuguaglianza che ha afflitto l’umanità per molto tempo.
La difficile situazione di molti dei poveri del mondo è aggravata nel caso dei rifugiati di guerra, che sono doppiamente vittime, del terrorismo di stato e della violenza, e della mancanza di volontà, da parte di coloro che avrebbero le risorse, a farsi avanti per restituire parte delle loro ricchezze, in gran parte immeritate.
La metafora della barca è particolarmente interessante nel caso dei rifugiati; milioni di essi hanno cercato disperatamente di fuggire dagli inferni della guerra e dalla povertà su barche sgangherate o gommoni, sperando di attraversare regioni disastrate, dirigendosi verso luoghi più sicuri. Questo spettacolo è divenuto tristemente familiare negli ultimi anni, non solo in tutto il Mar Mediterraneo, ma anche in altri specchi d’acqua in tutto il mondo, specialmente in Birmania dove centinaia di migliaia di Rohingya hanno cercato di sfuggire al loro genocidio in atto. Migliaia di loro sono annegati nel Golfo del Bengala.
La pandemia del COVID-19 ha accentuato e, in effetti, accelerato le forti disuguaglianze che esistono individualmente in ogni società e, più in generale, nel mondo. Secondo uno studio condotto negli USA dal Brookings Institute, nel giugno del 2020, il numero di morti dovuto alla malattia rispecchia una evidente logica razziale. Molti indicatori inclusi nello studio non lasciano alcun dubbio sul fatto che il razzismo sia un fattore centrale nel ciclo vitale del COVID.
Ad esempio, tra coloro che hanno dai 45 ai 54 anni, “Le percentuali di morti tra i neri e gli ispano-latini sono almeno sei volte più alte che tra i bianchi”. Sebbene i bianchi costituiscano il 62 percento della popolazione statunitense, in riferimento a questo specifico gruppo di età, solo il 22 percento dei morti erano bianchi. Le comunità nere e latine sono state quelle più colpite.
Secondo questo ed anche altri studi, il presupposto principale che sta alla base della discrepanza tra i tassi di infezione e mortalità derivanti da COVID tra i vari gruppi razziali negli Stati Uniti è la povertà che é, essa stessa, un’espressione di disuguaglianza razziale. I poveri non hanno accesso, o hanno un accesso limitato, all’assistenza sanitaria adeguata. Per i ricchi questo fattore ha una scarsa rilevanza.
Inoltre, le comunità più povere tendenzialmente svolgono lavori nel settore dei servizi, con retribuzioni più basse e dove il distanziamento sociale é quasi impossibile. Con scarso sostegno da parte del governo, per aiutarli a sopravvivere ai numerosi lockdown, fanno tutto ciò che é in loro potere per provvedere il necessario ai loro figli, solo per poi essere infettati dal virus o, ancor peggio, morire.
Ci si attende che questa iniquità continui anche nel modo in cui i vaccini vengono resi disponibili. Mentre diverse nazioni occidentali hanno lanciato o programmato le loro campagne di vaccinazione, si prevede che le nazioni più povere del globo attenderanno a lungo prima che i vaccini salvavita siano resi disponibili.
Nei 67 paesi poveri o in via di sviluppo, la maggior parte dei quali si trova in Africa e nell’emisfero sud, probabilmente soltanto un individuo su dieci riceverà il vaccino entro la fine del 2020, secondo quanto riportato dal sito web Fortune Magazine.
L’inquietante rapporto cita uno studio condotto da una associazione umanitaria e per i diritti umani, la People’s Vaccine Alliance (PVA), che include Oxfam e Amnesty International.
Se esiste una strategia, a questo punto, è il deplorevole “accaparramento” del vaccino da parte delle nazioni ricche. La dottoressa Mohga Kamal-Yanni del PVA ha prospettato questa consapevolezza quando ha affermato che “i paesi ricchi hanno dosi sufficienti per vaccinare quasi tutti tre volte, mentre i paesi poveri non ne hanno nemmeno abbastanza per raggiungere gli operatori sanitari e le persone a rischio”. Questo, a dispetto delle innumerevoli conferenze che propagandano la necessità di una “risposta globale” alla malattia.
Ma non è detto che debba essere in questo modo.
Mentre è probabile che le disuguaglianze di classe, razza e genere continueranno a devastare le società umane anche dopo la pandemia, come hanno sempre fatto, per i governi è possibile usare questa tragedia collettiva anche come un’opportunità per colmare il divario di disuguaglianza, anche se solo di poco, come punto di partenza per immaginare un futuro più equo per tutti noi.
Le persone povere e dalla pelle scura non dovrebbero essere lasciate morire quando le loro vite possono essere salvate da un semplice vaccino, ampiamente disponibile.
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